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Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday, June 8 2018 - A sunny, nice day. 59 degrees at 7 AM going up to 63.

Yesterday, Hugh mowed a large open field we have to walk along many times a day.  We only had a path along it and tall grasses grew here.  Now it is getting ready to be a campsite area,  as a way to generate a little income for the community farm.

I have shop duty from 9 AM until 6 PM.  with a 1 hour break for lunch.  Then I am off until Monday.  This was not the 5 hour volunteering I thought it would be.  I have pushed myself to the limits and have had quite an experience of what it is like working on a 36 acre farm and while in almost constant pain.  It will be good to work the store, today, and not put as much exertion on muscles that have been sleeping since last October 27th when I had surgery & a head injury while at Good Samaritan Hospital.

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